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A healthcare worker special

Dr Eva Doherty speaks about how frontline healthcare workers can manage their own mental health during the pandemic, under sustained stress and pressure. Ep 10: A healthcare worker special |…

Responding to Patients’ Distress and Strong Emotions during Covid-19

Helpful Links for the Public and Doctors

Helpful links for both members of the public and doctors as we try to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic.   Panicking about Coronavirus? Here's what to do. It seems like…

Manage Your Stress in Minutes

Listen to this podcast of Eva Doherty speaking at the Annual Conference of Psychology Students, Dublin City University, April 2014.  

Video on tips to manage stress

Watch this compelling eleven minute video from Dr Mike Evans on how to manage stress:  

Audio Relaxation Exercises

Relaxation exercise A is a 20 minute exercise during which I ask you to successively tense and relax each muscle group in your body. You should do this exercise each…

Emotional Intelligence – A Brief Outline

The management of emotions in the workplace is a key skill that doctors are required to develop. This skill is known to be related to the ability to demonstrate empathic…

Identity Development In Medical Trainees

Walk down any high street or visit any shopping mall or cinema on a weekend and you will see large groups of noisy young teenagers with the same dress code,…

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